The Secrets of the prophets Abraham, Jacob, Josef and Mosses in Misr (Egypt)

The ancient Egyptian history is a written and a documented history that the ancient Egyptian considered writing and authentication is worship, they honestly and accurately write their history


lie and cheating in the old Egyptian religion was a big crime and the lier should be killed and after burial he will punished and in the last day he will go to the hell

So the remains of the Egyptian monuments is considered a treasure accurately and honestly explain the details of this civilization

The real fun in the Egyptian history is the related stories of the holy books and prophets stories like the so well story of the prophet Josef which occurred in Egypt and most of Koran stories have been on this country

Egyptian history is characterized as constantly developing history and every day we detect new, therefore what was read from the books of yesterday is not necessary fit for use today, but unfortunately still some wrong ideas from the previous centuries are believed, but I think these will disappear With the passage of time and after the spread of modern studies on the ancient Egyptian history

the prophet Abraham has visited Egypt, Egypt has welcomed the prophets Jacob and Josef who was the first who apply the globalization in the Egyptian civilization, The prophet Mosses was born and grew up in Egypt and have appreciated influence to keep Egypt as united country


In the holy books this sequence of events is linked to each other

So to know when the prophet Josef have been to Egypt first we have to know when Abraham did because the events in the era of Abraham was a prelude to the events in the era of Joseph

Note: In this article I will mention some verses from the holy Koran but actually it is not the holy Koran and it is not the original words of God which is in Arabic language and cannot be translated.

It is just the closest meaning which I got from

It was not accurate and very poor (I don’t blame them) so I made some changing in English words to be more accurate

Any way I think Koran is better to be studied in other languages not to be translated


The Prophet Abraham

The beginning is the visit of the prophet Abraham to Egypt we should know when he came and which king met him


We know that the believers of the folk of Abraham emigrated with him from Babylon to the land of Palestine, as illustrated by the following verses from the holy Koran

In surat Al-Mumtahina what means:
4. There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah (God name by Arabic). we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone": But not when Abraham said to his father: "I will pray for forgiveness for thee, though I have no power (to get) aught on thy behalf from Allah." (They prayed): "Our Lord! in Thee do we trust, and to Thee do we turn in repentance: to Thee is (our) Final Goal


And In surat Al-Anbiya what means:
69. We said, "O Fire! be thou cool, and (a means of) safety for Abraham!"

70. Then they sought a stratagem against him: but We made them the ones that lost most!

71. But We delivered him and (his nephew) Lut (and directed them) to the land which We have blessed for the nations


The expression of (the land which We have blessed) in the Holy Koran refers to the land of Palestine (Jerusalem and what around),


These two paragraphs from the holy Koran means that Abraham and (those with him) cleared of and disown their folk and then emigrated to the land of Palestine

And in compare with the Egyptian history, we find that these Hebrew migrations (launched by the ancient Egyptians expression apiru) to the land of Palestine was in the era of the King Amenemhat I the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty


Amenemhat I look at these large migrations near the border of Egypt, causing him to build strong fortifications on the border of Egypt and Palestine called “the wall of the ruler” To prevent the infiltration of Bedouin to the land of Egypt, that the ancient Egyptians up to this time generally hated the foreigners and did not allow them to come inside Egypt


This fortifications is mentioned in the holy Koran in surat yousef in the era of the prophet Jacob the grand son of the prophet Abraham when the prophet Jacob told his sons not to enter Egypt from one gate but from sporadic gates

In surat Yousef what means:
67. Further he said (Jacob said): "O my sons! Enter (Egypt) not all by one gate: enter ye by different gates. Not that I can profit you aught against Allah (with my advice): None can command except Allah. On Him do I put my trust: and let all that trust put their trust on Him."

The second event that the prophet Abraham came to Egypt in the era of Amenemhat I

That we know that the king, who met the prophet Abraham had gave him Mrs. Hager the princess who he had captured after a civil wars in Egypt

That the historian al-Tabari said about the Coptic and what they told the Arabian ruler Amr Bin Al-Aas when he came to Egypt

"Amr Bin Al-Aas when he opened Egypt he told them about the will of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) to the Moslems to take care about the Egyptians when they open Egypt because they are related with him (because of his old grandmother Mrs. Hager the wife of the prophet Abraham), Amr Bin Al-Aas told them that the right of this highly old relationship are only preserved by a prophet. They told that Mrs. Hager was a wife of a King of our old local kings and a war between us and the people of Ain Shams (Egyptian state) started they killed the king and captured his wife the princess Hager. It is how she moved to your father Abraham"

And in compare with Amenemhat I era, we find that the King Amenemhat I took over power after the death of the King Mentouhtb IV, the king of Egypt without Heir and he fought with the competing local kings and defeated them then founded the Twelfth Dynasty


Amenemhat I


So we can find that this civil war is similar to the story of capturing the Egyptian princess Hager the wife of the prophet Abraham


The third event is what the history told that the King Amenemhat I is the first who nationalized the land of the nobles


Egypt before the era of Amenemhat I is characterized by the proliferation of nobles and feudal system

Then after nationalization in the Twelfth Dynasty the government became the owner of most agricultural land and responsible for the growth of economy

And this is similar to the story of Joseph in Egypt, (which occurred after the story of a the prophet Abraham by little time) when the government carried on the responsibility of economic planning

In surat yousef what means:
47. (Joseph) said: "For seven years shall ye diligently sow as is your wont: and the harvests that ye reap, ye shall leave them in the ear,- except a little, of which ye shall eat.

48. "Then will come after that (period) seven dreadful (years), which will devour what ye shall have laid by in advance for them,- (all) except a little which ye shall have (specially) guarded.

49. "Then will come after that (period) a year in which the people will have abundant water, and in which they will press (wine and oil)."

Then Joseph took the position of (Aziz or the exalted) this is mentioned in the holy Koran when the king of Egypt take Josef out from the prison and free him (he was up to this time a slave to an Egyptian woman who sent him to the prison)

In surat yousef what means:
54. So the king said: "Bring him unto me to (do every thing to) free him specially for me. Therefore when he had spoken to him, he said (the king to Josef): " this day, you are with me have the power (the ability) and safe“

55. (Joseph) said: "Set me over the store-houses of the land: I can guard them, as one that knows (their importance)."

56. Thus did We (god saying) give established power (ability) to Joseph in the land, to take possession therein as, when, or where he pleased. We bestow of our Mercy on whom We want, and we don’t lose the reward of those who do good.

The position of (Aziz or the exalted) refer to the keeper of store-houses of the land and is responsible for the crops distribution to the general public
And this position requires the ability to maintain the crops and distributive justice,

There is a inscription return to the era of the King Senusret I, the son and successor of Amenemhat I for person named Amini who was in the same position he was proud of his wisdom in preserving the harvest and his fairness in the distribution, he said:

No one was unhappy in my days, not even in the years of famine, for I had tilled all the fields in the nome of Mah, up to its southern and northern frontiers. Thus I prolonged the life of its inhabitants and preserved the food which it produces. No hungry man was in it. I distributed equally to the widow as to the married woman. I did not prefer the great to the humble in all that I gave away
Egypt under the Pharaohs, by Brugsch, page 158.

So the economic system in Egypt in the era of Josef the fourth grand son of the prophet Abraham is similar to the economic system of the Twelfth Dynasty which founded by Amenemhat I

Similar events took place in the era of Abraham and the era of Amenemhat I


But I think more likely that his son and successor Senusret I who met the prophet Abraham in Egypt


The King Senusret I rule at the end of the era of his father who was sick

Then the ruler (King) of the Hebrews had visited Egypt in the era of The King Senusret I, Then we can notice a better relationship started between Egypt and the Bedouin in Asia who was allowed to come inside Egypt for the first time in the history for trade


It is recorded in one of the noble’s cemetery in Bani Hassan 240 km south of Cairo, some Asians visits to Egypt in the era of Twelfth Dynasty carrying their goods from Cattle and hides for sale in Egypt.



The Bedouin visits to Egypt


These visits remind us with what mentioned in the holy Koran about the people who took Josef and sold him in Egypt (after the crime of the none maternal brothers of Josef who felt jealous from him and throw him into a well)


In surat Yousef what means:
19. Then there came a caravan of travellers: they sent their water-carrier (for water), and he let down his bucket (into the well)...He said: "Ah there! Good news! Here is a (fine) young man!" So they concealed him as a goods! But Allah knoweth well all that they do!

20. The (Brethren) sold him for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him!

21. The man in Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay (among us) honourable: may be he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son." Thus did We establish Joseph in the land, that We might teach him the interpretation of stories (and events). And Allah hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.

And also reminds us with the visit of Joseph’s brothers (from Palestine) to trade in Egypt (they met Josef and thought he is an Egyptian man)

In surat Yousef what means:
88. Then, when they(Joseph’s brothers) came (back) into (Joseph's) presence they said: "O exalted one! distress has seized us and our family: we have (now) brought but scanty goods: so pay us full measure, (we pray thee), and treat it as charity to us: for Allah doth reward the charitable."

The prophets Joseph and Jacob

In the previous article I mentioned that The prophet Abraham came to Egypt in the era of Senusret I the second kings the Twelfth Dynasty and then married the princess Hager

Then he gave birth to the prophet Ishmael from Mrs. Hager who carried her baby and migrate to the holy land in Mecca to be historically this great lady the first person who re-establish new life and the first princess rulled Mecca.

Then her son the prophet Ishmael and the prophet Abraham re-built the holy Kaaba which is originally built by our father Adam


Then the prophet Abraham gave birth to the prophet Isaac from Mrs. Sarah when she was very old woman and the prophet Abraham was very old man too

Then Isaac gave birth to the prophet Jacob who gave birth to Josef and his brothers

Therefore Joseph has been to Egypt at the end of the Twelfth Dynasty or at the beginning of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth dynasties who shared governance of the country at this stage, which witnessed the division and chaos before the Hyksos seizing the throne of northern Egypt

In one theory Hyksos did not enter Egypt by invasion, but they infiltrate and lived in the land of Egypt before seizing the throne of northern Egypt


On the other hand Josephus, quoting from the work of the historian Manetho that it was some type of invasion:

”By main force they easily seized it without striking a blow; and having overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of gods… Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis”


Any way there no match difference between the two theories because the country before Hyksos was in chaos and uncontrolled and it must be some violence or civil wars to control and seize the throne


But In the Holy Koran in Surat yousef said what means
93. "Go with this my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father: he will come to see (clearly). Then come ye (here) to me together with all your family."


99. Then when they entered the presence of Joseph, he provided a home for his parents with himself, and said: "Enter ye Egypt (all) in safety if it please Allah."

We understand from these verses that Josef asked his brothers to bring his parents and all there families and waited for them at the border of Egypt and entered them safely


The entry of Jacob and his group and crossing the fortifications of Egypt is similar to the first theory of infiltration of Hyksos to the land of Egypt

And the Holy Koran told us that after Jacob and his group entered Egypt, his son Josef raised him to the throne of Egypt

In surat Yousef what means:
100. And he raised his parents high on the throne , and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him. He said: "O my father! this is the fulfilment of my vision of old! Allah hath made it come true! He was indeed good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you (all here) out of the Bedouin, (even) after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers. Verily my Lord understandeth best the mysteries of all that He planneth to do, for verily He is full of knowledge and wisdom.

in reviewing the history of Egypt we did not find any foreigner king raised on the throne of Egypt but the kings of Hyksos because the Egyptians where very careful to the purity of royal blood.

This indicates that Jacob and his group are themselves the Hyksos who will do after that lot of evils in the land of Egypt


Even the name for the prophet Jacob is Israel and it seem to be Egyptian prenomen Name that the kings in the old Egypt used to use a different name but their actual name and for name Israel we can divide it into three section(isr) (ra) (el) the first two section is clear Egyptian symbols but (el) this which can not find

Especially it found on one scarab a Hyksos king named Yaqub-Har (Yaqub is the actual name for the prophet Jacob in Arabic language) and his prenomen name is (Mer) (oser) (ra) but his era is unknown

And the Hyksos historically known as the “shepherd kings” it may driven from the ancient Egyptian word “heqa shaso” which means  “shepherd kings” or from the the ancient Egyptian word “heqa khasewet” witch means "foreign kings", any way the symbol “heqa” mean king


in the holy Koran there is evidence that Israelites had built infamous title of “the kings”, where the Queen of Sheba Balqees titled the people of Solomon (the Israelites) as “the kings”

In surat Al-Naml what means:
29. (The queen) said: "Ye chiefs! here is delivered to me - a letter worthy of respect.

30. "It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:

31. "'Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (to the true Religion).'"

32. She said: "Ye chiefs! advise me in (this) my affair: no affair have I decided except in your presence."

33. They said: "We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command."

34. She said: "The Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people its meanest thus do they behave.

35. "But I am going to send them a present, and (wait) to see with what (answer) return (my) ambassadors."

Also, mosses remind his people that God made them kings


In surat Al-Maeda  what means:

20. Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.

of course (
made you kings) mean that they got the title of kings not means that all of them were actual kings which is not logical


And perhaps the Israelites found support from some Asians who profusely came into Egypt in the era of Hyksos


The Prophet Mosses

To clarify when the prophet mosses left with Israelites from Egypt

we have to know the connection between the history of Palestine and the history of Egypt this will clarify when can the prophets David and Solomon rule Palestine?

In the holy Koran In surat Al-A'raf said about pharaoh and his people what means:

136. So We exacted retribution from them: We drowned them in the sea, because they rejected Our Signs and failed to take warning from them.

137. And We made a people, considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of lands in both east and west, - lands whereon We sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We destroyed what was Pharoah and his people doing and what they have erected.

So after Pharaoh and his people drowned God inherited the Israelites the land which he blessed from Pharaoh and his people


The land which God blessed refers to the land of Palestine


That’s mean that this land was part of the Egyptian empire at that time when Pharaoh drowned


And in other verses god cleared to us that the inheritance was not direct but there is a gap between when Egypt left Palestine and when the Israelites ruled it


In surat Al-so’ara  what means:

53. Then Pharaoh sent heralds to (all) the Cities,

54. (Saying): "These (Israelites) are but a small band,

55. "And they are raging furiously against us;

56. "But we are a multitude amply fore-warned."

57. So (God saying about Pharaoh) We expelled them from gardens, springs (Palestine is characterized by springs),

58. Treasures, and every kind of honourable position;

59. Thus it was, but We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things.

Especially in the Arabic text we can understand that just after Pharaoh’s death Egypt left Palestine and after some times the Israelites inherit it


That’s mean that the Israelites did not fight with the Egyptian to invade Palestine but with different people who took over the power in Palestine after the death of Pharaoh


But we have to know that the inheritance of the rule of Palestine here of course was temporary not forever and it will delivered to others as god told his prophet David in the Psalms
In surat Al-Anbiya what means:

105. Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): My slaves (worshipers) the righteous, shall inherit the land."

106. Verily in this is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allah.

Any way God told us in surat Al-Esraa that he will bring the Israelites to Palestine once again as a group from different nations but their end in Palestine will be miserable and I think this verses applied with the recent Israel


So we have to back to the history and he will clear when the Israelites could inherit the land of Palestine from pharaoh



We have to start from The beginning of the eighteenth dynasty after the war between the Egyptian kings of the seventeen dynasty in south Egypt and the Hyksos the King Ahmose I conquered Avaris there capital in the north of Egypt and after the siege of there castle at Sharuhen in Gaza in Palestine he conquered it and capture the Hyksos and distribute them as slaves to the Egyptian soldiers


Then he began campaigns in Syria and Nubia (now The Sudan and south Egypt) then the eighteenth dynasty kings continued the campaigning in levant (now Syria and Lebanon) until the great King Thutmose III enlarged the empire from Nubia to Euphrates including Syria and Palestine (Canaan)



Then he took the children of princes of the conquered countries to his palace in Egypt with his own children so after they grow up and become the legitimate rulers of there countries they show great loyalty to Egypt


And become all the legitimate rulers of the Egyptian empire as brothers in a strongly unified empire under the leadership of Egypt



Then In the era of Akhenaten the ninth king of the Eighteenth Dynasty (or the tenth if we count Hatshepsut) he was a very tough and ugly man the Egyptian dislike him and a revolution started in Palestine and the local rulers of Egypt loyalists asked Akhenaten to send Egyptian troops to quell the revolution, but Akhenaten ignored their requests as it is clear from this message from Abdi-Heba to Akhenaten


Amarna letters (EA 286)


To the king, my lord, say:
Message of Abdi-Heba, your servant:
At the feet of my lord, the king seven times and seven times I fall down.
What have I done to the king, my lord?
They slander me before the king,

my lord: "Abdi-Heba has rebelled against the king, his lord."
Behold, neither my father nor my mother has put me in this position.
The powerful arm of the king brought me into my father's house.
Why should I commit
an offense against the king, the lord?
As the king, my lord, lives,
I say to the representative of the king, my lord,
Why do you love the 'Apiru, but the local rulers you hate?" Consequently,
I am slandered before the king, my lord.
Because I say: "Lost are the lands of the king, my lord," consequently
I am slandered before the king, my lord.
May the king, my lord, know that
though the king, my lord, stationed a garrison, Enhamu has taken it all.
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . .
. . .
the king, my lord,
there is no garrison here
so may the king provide for his land.
May the king provide for his land. The lands of
the king, my lord, have all deserted. Ili-Milku has brought about the loss of the king's land,
so may the king provide for his land.
I say, I will enter into the presence of the king, my lord, and I will see
the two eyes of the king, my lord. But the war against me is great, so I cannot come before the king, my lord.
So may it seem good before the king,
may he send a garrison
and I will enter and see the two eyes
of the king, my lord. As the king, my lord,
lives , whenever the royal officials have come out,
I have said: "The king's lands are lost."
But they have not listened to me.
All the local rulers are lost.
Not a single ruler remains to the king, the lord.
Let the king turn his attention to the archers
so that archery troops
of the king, my lord, go forth. None of the king's lands remain.
The 'Apiru have plundered all the king's lands. If the archery troops arrive this year, then the lands of the king, my lord, will survive. But if the archery troops do not arrive,then the lands of the king, my lord, are lost.
To the scribe of the king, my lord: The message of Abdi-Heba,
your servant: Present eloquent words before the king, my lord. Lost
are all the lands of the king, my lord.



So after the death of akhenaten the Hebrews manage to take over the power in Palestine


Then the king Seti I the second king of the Nineteenth Dynasty started campaigns to return previously lost territories in Canaan (Palatine) and levant


These campaigns gone further in the era of his son Ramsses II who continued the successful campaigns in Canaan and levant to return it completely back to Egypt


Then Rmasses II took a small army and directed to expel the Hittites from some areas they occupied in northern Syria

He expelled them from Amurru and Dapur then The Hittites followed the policy of attack And run with the Egyptian army but after some rounds he manage to completely break their forces, even he claimed to have fought the last battle without even bothering and he took his young children who still wearing their side locks (as the old Egyptian children used to) as he is going to a picnic

Then he hold a Peace treaty with the Hittites who after this wars with Egypt disappeared from the history after they have attacked with union of folks known as “the sea people”


So Ramsses II managed to restore the Egyptian empire as it was in the era of akhenaten

And he tried to back the confidence to the Egyptians by imaging the Egyptian Gods sitting beside him on the throne of Egypt

And started hard work in building construction and he managed to show himself competently as the greatest king in history


but it was not the end


Construction work was continuing in Egypt and demolition works and The pursuits of the remnants of the enemy in the plains and mountains continued in the land of Canaan by his son amun-her-khepeshef and finished on the hand of his son Merneptah


Then the Egyptian empire stayed stable up to the era of the King Ramsses III the second kings of the twenty dynasty who stated in Harris Papyrus that he has built temple of the God Amun in Canaan in a land called Zahi:

219. I built for thee a mysterious house in the land of Zahi (D'-h), like the horizon of heaven which is in the sky, (named): "The-House-of-Ramses-Ruler-of-Heliopolis, -- L.-P.-H.,-in-Pekanan ", as the property of thy name. I fashioned thy great statue resting in the midst of it (named): "Amon-of-Ramses-Ruler-of-Heliopolis, -L.-P.-H." The Asiatics of Retenu (Rtnw) came to it, bearing their tribute before it, for it was divine. [Sec. 184-219-246]
James H. Breasted
Records of Egypt, Vol. IV, pages 87-206

Then the sea people attacked Egypt in Ramsses III era who beat them and this people disappeared from the history after their war against Egypt


The sea people


But Ramsses III made some thing wrong to finish this people

He divided the union of the “sea people” into small folks and distribute them in different lands and this people actually could not be loyal to Egypt

And the second wrong of Ramsses III that he allowed to the peaceful migrants to stay in Egypt who profusely came into Egypt with their customs and religions, the expression of foreigners is widely used in Egypt after that era so Egypt missed it’s previous harmony and union and the successors of Ramsses III found great difficulty to control Egypt and missed their respect inside and outside Egypt


This can be cleared from the papyrus of wenamun in Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, wich happened probably in the era of Ramesses XI the tenth king of the Twentieth Dynasty and told that the priest of Amun at Karnak Wenamun, is sent by the High Priest of Amun Herihor (the strong man in south Egypt) to the Phoenician city of Byblos (now in Lebanon) to acquire lumber (probably cedar wood) to build a new ship to transport the cult image of Amun. After visiting Smendes (the strong man in north Egypt) at Tanis, Wenamun stopped at the port of Dor (now in Palestine) ruled by the Tjeker prince Beder, where he was robbed. Upon reaching Byblos, he was shocked by the hostile reception he received there. When he finally gained an audience with Zakar-Baal, the local king, the latter refused to give the requested goods for free, as had been the traditional custom, instead demanding payment. Wenamun had to send to Smendes for payment, (a humiliating move which demonstrates the waning of Egyptian power over the Eastern Mediterranean). After a wait of almost a year at Byblos, Wenamun attempted to leave for Egypt, only to be blown off course to Alashiya (Cyprus), where he was almost killed by an angry mob before placing himself under the protection of the local queen, whom he called Hatbi.


Then came Shoshenq I the founder of the Twenty-second Dynasty his origin backs to the Libyan folk Meshwesh which was allowd to migrate to Egypt in the era of Ramsses III

And he was the father-in-law of Maatkare the daughter of the last king of the Twenty-first Dynasty Psusennes II


Shoshenq I followed an aggressive policy to re-back the respect of the Egyptian king.


Shoshenq I left monuments that approve the Egyptian authority in Palestine and Levant as a statue base bearing his name from the Lebanese city of Byblos and part of a monumental stela from Megiddo bearing his name.

And a list inscribed on the walls of temples of Amun at al-Hibah and Karnak about campaigns and tributes from the cities in Palestine and Levant but he did not mentioned any kingdom of Israel or Jerusalem which has led some to suggest that Shoshenq I was not the Biblical Shishak



To be continued..

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